Kate Gillingham


Kate Gillingham



Hello, I’m Kate Gillingham, in 2015, I was really struggling with my family-life-work balance when a friend told me about the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course (MBSR) due to start in Bristol. This was a transformational process for me. I was introduced to the idea of self-compassion and kindness to ourselves, not just kindness to others and kindness being an acceptable and essential part of life.

hol·is·tic :

The belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole.

mind·ful·ness :


Paying attention…

…in a particular way:

on purpose

in the present moment


(Attributed to Jon Kabat Zinn, 1996)

BOOK A complimentary 15 minute consultation CALL WITH ME


Hello, I’m Kate Gillingham, in 2015, I was really struggling with my family-life-work balance when a friend told me about the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course (MBSR) due to start in Bristol. This was a transformational process for me. I was introduced to the idea of self-compassion and kindness to ourselves, not just kindness to others and kindness being an acceptable and essential part of life.

hol·is·tic :

The belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole.

mind·ful·ness :


Paying attention…

…in a particular way:

on purpose

in the present moment


(Attributed to Jon Kabat Zinn, 1996)

BOOK A complimentary 15 minute consultation CALL WITH ME


I’m Kate Gillingham, a Holistic Mindfulness Consultant. Over 20 years ago I embarked on a series of courses that lead to me returning to college in Bath and becoming a fully qualified Holistic Therapist. I knew that I wanted to help people and had a passionate interest in wellbeing, but it was not until I discovered the EMMETT Technique that I realised I could empower people to start to take control of their health and wellbeing.

In 2015 I took part in the eight week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course (MBSR),  which was truly transformational. It came at a crisis point in my life living with three teenagers. The MBSR course is often referred to as the gold standard in mindfulness training across the world today.  The benefits that I gained personally from this course inspired me to go on to train to teach Mindfulness to children, with the Mindfulness in Schools Project.

As a qualified Holistic Therapist and EMMETT Technique Practitioner, I work in person using positive energy and EMMETT Technique and I offer both the EMM-Tech and Infant Massage courses in Somerset and London.

In 2022 I trained with a world recognised school and qualified to teach the MBSR course. I also became a registered teacher with The British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches (BAMBA).

I am fully insured as a Mindfulness coach and to practice the holistic therapies and courses I offer. I undertake regular supervision and continuous professional development as part of my on-going training and I regularly take part in industry focus groups and research projects.


I’m Kate Gillingham, a Holistic Mindfulness Consultant. Over 20 years ago I embarked on a series of courses that lead to me returning to college in Bath and becoming a fully qualified Holistic Therapist. I knew that I wanted to help people and had a passionate interest in wellbeing, but it was not until I discovered the EMMETT Technique that I realised I could empower people to start to take control of their health and wellbeing.

In 2015 I took part in the eight week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course (MBSR), which was truly transformational. It came at a crisis point in my life living with three teenagers.

The MBSR course is often referred to as the gold standard in mindfulness training across the world today. The benefits that I gained personally from this course inspired me to go on to train to teach Mindfulness to children, with the Mindfulness in Schools Project.

As a qualified Holistic Therapist and EMMETT Technique Practitioner, I work in person using positive energy and EMMETT Technique and I offer both the EMM-Tech and Infant Massage courses in Somerset and London.

In 2022 I trained with a world recognised school and qualified to teach the MBSR course. I also became a registered teacher with The British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches (BAMBA). I am fully insured as a Mindfulness coach and to practice the holistic therapies and courses I offer. I undertake regular supervision and continuous professional development as part of my on-going training and I regularly take part in industry focus groups and research projects.

Courses & Retreats


“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Attributed to Viktor E. Frankl

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course

The MBSR programme is not a form of therapy but has helped people facing stress related to work, school, money, relationships, grief, sleep, time, food or the sense of being out of balance. 

The eight week programme has also helped individuals address a variety of physical and psychological health issues including high blood pressure, headaches, IBS, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, fatigue, skin disorders, sleep disturbance, depression and anxiety.  It does not however constitute a replacement for therapy or medical treatment for a specific condition.

Who will benefit?

Anyone who would like to:

  • better engage with their life and those around them
  • begin to recognise what causes them stress and difficulty and how to take steps to better deal with this
  • better communicate with others and strengthen relationships 
  • increase their awareness of themselves
  • recognise unhealthy habits and behaviours
  • start making changes to create a new sustainable way of living

What will you learn?

Each week course participants learn mindfulness meditation practices in a supportive group environment and have the opportunity to develop awareness of our bodies, emotions, belief systems and how stress operates in their lives.

Throughout the programme you consciously and systematically work with the challenges and demands of your everyday life. I create a safe and supportive environment for this work, learning through guided instruction including mindfulness meditation practices, gentle stretching and mindful movement, group discussions aimed at enhancing awareness in everyday life and resource materials.

Course structure

I offer the eight week MBSR course in person and via Zoom. The online sessions are for 2 hours each week and participants commit to practice for 40 minutes 5/7 days each week which includes guided meditation practices and daily mindful tasks.


This course was beautifully presented by Kate. Alongside clear course content. Her approach was informative and  sensitively geared to individual goals and needs.Kate’s meditations enabled me to be more aware of my health and well-being needs and most importantly motivate me into making changes for the better.Nightly meditations before bed have undoubtedly improved the quality of my sleep and breathing and relaxation techniques have personally proved beneficial for both anxiety and fibromyalgia relief.Thank you Kate. I highly recommend!


When I first started the course I hadn’t connected that Mindfulness = Meditation!

Kate’s MBSR course taught me how to resonate better with others, how to be less negative and how to slow down breathe!

I have learnt to prioritise my time better and to realise that if I make time to look after myself better, those around me will benefit.

I have always looked after my physical health but have often neglected my mental health.

Although I would regard myself as a content person, focusing more closely on the tasks that ‘feed my soul’ has been most rewarding.

The half day retreat was just wonderful! I thought I would be bored rigid but Kate guided us through the various practices and at the end we all said we could have done a full day!

It is of note that personally I felt that it was lovely to do the retreat in the comfort of our homes – without being distracted by other participants.

Since finishing the course I don’t meditate on a daily basis, however I feel Kate has given us the tools to carve out mindful moments for ourselves.

Finally, I used to be rather frightened of meditation and I am not very good at sitting still, but understanding how our brains are wired was so interesting and knowing the incredible benefits of this practice has made me far more aware of myself and my relationships and actions with others.


My 2 hour sessions with Kate helped me to slow down and get a little peace in my ever increasing chaotic and continually challenging life.

If I feel life is getting stressful I definitely come back to Kate’s calming voice and feel my breathing gets easier.


The MBSR course was really valuable for me and I felt completely at ease with Kate. The content was all very well presented and Kate was considerate of everyone’s feelings, I always felt comfortable. I would recommend this course with Kate for anyone wanting to take time to reconnect with themselves and work towards a lifestyle that is harmonious with a happier and more peaceful existence.


Mindfulness helps me when I’m feeling either angry, distressed or sad. Finger breathing helps me concentrate on my breathing and makes me calm. Breathing in and breathing out.

Pupil, East Harptree Primary School

Mindfulness for adults

Bespoke mindfulness coaching and courses to:

  • Increase staff wellbeing
  • Help reduce stress and anxiety
  • Increase resilience, focus and emotional intelligence
  • Enhance employer/employee and client relations

From 90 minutes to 4 weeks. Please contact me to discuss your requirements.

Get In touch

Farm Shop Mindfulness

Organic food, organic mind.

A brief introduction to mindfulness.

Drop in weekly (Tuesday afternoon?) 30 minute sessions in March and April. 

Please contact me for further details or look for them at New Manor Farm Shop

Get directions here
Get In touch

Mindfulness for children

The children I have taught have found many benefits through learning basic mindfulness skills including better sleep, increased concentration, coping with anxiety and realising that they have the power to make choices about their behaviours and responses.

I currently work within the Lighthouse Schools Partnership bringing mindfulness to children in school settings.

  • Paws b is the 12-session primary school curriculum for 7-11 year-olds
  • .b is the 14-session curriculum for 11-18 year-olds
  • .breathe sits between the two of these as part of a programme for students going through the tricky years of change between primary and secondary school
Read more about Misp


I regularly hold half day and longer retreats in beautiful rural Somerset.  I plan to expand this to London, Italy, the US, and the UAE in the future.

Please contact me for details

Mindfulness for adults

I also offer bespoke mindfulness coaching and courses to:

  • Increase staff wellbeing
  • Help reduce stress and anxiety
  • Increase resilience, focus and emotional intelligence
  • Enhance employer/employee and client relationships

From 90 minutes to 4 weeks. Please contact me to discuss your requirements.

Get In touch

Mindfulness for children

The children I have taught have found many benefits through learning basic mindfulness skills including better sleep, increased concentration, coping with anxiety and realising that they have the power to make choices about their behaviours and responses.

I currently work within the Lighthouse Schools Partnership bringing mindfulness to children in their school setting.

  • Paws b is the 12-session primary school curriculum for 7-11 year-olds
  • .b is the 14-session curriculum for 11-18 year-olds
  • .breathe sits between the two of these as part of a programme for students going through the tricky years of change between primary and secondary school
Read more about Misp

Courses & Retreats


“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Attributed to Viktor E. Frankl

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course

The MBSR programme is not a form of therapy but has helped people facing stress related to work, school, money, relationships, grief, sleep, time, food or the sense of being out of balance. 

The eight week programme has also helped individuals address a variety of physical and psychological health issues including high blood pressure, headaches, IBS, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, fatigue, skin disorders, sleep disturbance, depression and anxiety.  It does not however constitute a replacement for therapy or medical treatment for a specific condition.

Who will benefit?

Anyone who would like to:

  • better engage with their life and those around them
  • begin to recognise what causes them stress and difficulty and how to take steps to better deal with this
  • better communicate with others and strengthen relationships 
  • increase their awareness of themselves
  • recognise unhealthy habits and behaviours
  • start making changes to create a new sustainable way of living

What will you learn?

Each week course participants learn mindfulness meditation practices in a supportive group environment and have the opportunity to develop awareness of our bodies, emotions, belief systems and how stress operates in their lives.

Throughout the programme you consciously and systematically work with the challenges and demands of your everyday life. I create a safe and supportive environment for this work, learning through guided instruction including mindfulness meditation practices, gentle stretching and mindful movement, group discussions aimed at enhancing awareness in everyday life and resource materials.

Course structure

I offer the eight week MBSR course in person and via Zoom. The online sessions are for 2 hours each week and participants commit to practice for 40 minutes 5/7 days each week which includes guided meditation practices and daily mindful tasks.


This course was beautifully presented by Kate. Alongside clear course content. Her approach was informative and  sensitively geared to individual goals and needs.Kate’s meditations enabled me to be more aware of my health and well-being needs and most importantly motivate me into making changes for the better.Nightly meditations before bed have undoubtedly improved the quality of my sleep and breathing and relaxation techniques have personally proved beneficial for both anxiety and fibromyalgia relief.Thank you Kate. I highly recommend!


When I first started the course I hadn’t connected that Mindfulness = Meditation!

Kate’s MBSR course taught me how to resonate better with others, how to be less negative and how to slow down breathe!

I have learnt to prioritise my time better and to realise that if I make time to look after myself better, those around me will benefit.

I have always looked after my physical health but have often neglected my mental health.

Although I would regard myself as a content person, focusing more closely on the tasks that ‘feed my soul’ has been most rewarding.

The half day retreat was just wonderful! I thought I would be bored rigid but Kate guided us through the various practices and at the end we all said we could have done a full day!

It is of note that personally I felt that it was lovely to do the retreat in the comfort of our homes – without being distracted by other participants.

Since finishing the course I don’t meditate on a daily basis, however I feel Kate has given us the tools to carve out mindful moments for ourselves.

Finally, I used to be rather frightened of meditation and I am not very good at sitting still, but understanding how our brains are wired was so interesting and knowing the incredible benefits of this practice has made me far more aware of myself and my relationships and actions with others.


My 2 hour sessions with Kate helped me to slow down and get a little peace in my ever increasing chaotic and continually challenging life.

If I feel life is getting stressful I definitely come back to Kate’s calming voice and feel my breathing gets easier.


The MBSR course was really valuable for me and I felt completely at ease with Kate. The content was all very well presented and Kate was considerate of everyone’s feelings, I always felt comfortable. I would recommend this course with Kate for anyone wanting to take time to reconnect with themselves and work towards a lifestyle that is harmonious with a happier and more peaceful existence.


Mindfulness helps me when I’m feeling either angry, distressed or sad. Finger breathing helps me concentrate on my breathing and makes me calm. Breathing in and breathing out.

Pupil, East Harptree Primary School

Mindfulness for adults

Bespoke mindfulness coaching and courses to:

  • Increase staff wellbeing
  • Help reduce stress and anxiety
  • Increase resilience, focus and emotional intelligence
  • Enhance employer/employee and client relations

From 90 minutes to 4 weeks. Please contact me to discuss your requirements.

Get In touch

Farm Shop Mindfulness

Organic food, organic mind.

A brief introduction to mindfulness.

Drop in weekly (Tuesday afternoon?) 30 minute sessions in March and April. 

Please contact me for further details or look for them at New Manor Farm Shop

Get directions here
Get In touch

Mindfulness for children

The children I have taught have found many benefits through learning basic mindfulness skills including better sleep, increased concentration, coping with anxiety and realising that they have the power to make choices about their behaviours and responses.

I currently work within the Lighthouse Schools Partnership bringing mindfulness to children in school settings.

  • Paws b is the 12-session primary school curriculum for 7-11 year-olds
  • .b is the 14-session curriculum for 11-18 year-olds
  • .breathe sits between the two of these as part of a programme for students going through the tricky years of change between primary and secondary school
Read more about Misp


I regularly hold half day and longer retreats in beautiful rural Somerset.  I plan to expand this to London, Italy, the US, and the UAE in the future.

Please contact me for details

Mindfulness for adults

I also offer bespoke mindfulness coaching and courses to:

  • Increase staff wellbeing
  • Help reduce stress and anxiety
  • Increase resilience, focus and emotional intelligence
  • Enhance employer/employee and client relationships

From 90 minutes to 4 weeks. Please contact me to discuss your requirements.

Get In touch

Mindfulness for children

The children I have taught have found many benefits through learning basic mindfulness skills including better sleep, increased concentration, coping with anxiety and realising that they have the power to make choices about their behaviours and responses.

I currently work within the Lighthouse Schools Partnership bringing mindfulness to children in their school setting.

  • Paws b is the 12-session primary school curriculum for 7-11 year-olds
  • .b is the 14-session curriculum for 11-18 year-olds
  • .breathe sits between the two of these as part of a programme for students going through the tricky years of change between primary and secondary school
Read more about Misp

Holistic Therapies

EMMETT Technique

The EMMETT Technique is based on the belief that light touch can trigger a relaxation response in the soft tissue of the body and may help relieve tensions resulting in feelings of improved comfort within the body.

What drew me to EMMETT Technique was the ethos that where possible and appropriate we show clients how to help themselves with their pain relief and muscle release, rather than having them return frequently for further treatments. I would aim for an initial treatment, a follow up treatment about a week later and then maintenance treatments if needed, often several months apart.

Once qualified as a full EMMETT practitioner, I immediately trained to teach the one day EMM-Tech course to be able to pass on even more knowledge to those keen to learn.

The treatment I specialise in is the Lymphatic Drainage Sequence. This treatment assists with:

  • Fluid retention/oedema
  • Congestion
  • Sluggish lymphatic system
  • Compromised immune system
  • Sinus conditions
  • Post viral/bacterial infection
  • Lack of energy
  • Lethargy
  • Cancer support
  • General body relaxation
  • Sluggish and irregular bowels, constipation and IBS
Read more about EMMETT

EMM-Tech Short Course

This is a short introductory course created by Ross Emmett so that everyone would have the opportunity to use some of his work to help themselves, friends and family. It is primarily designed for non-professionals, however, it is also an ideal low cost introduction for trained therapists to see what EMMETT is all about. The course contains 11 moves which have been specially selected from the EMMETT Technique Practitioner Course. I offer the course as a one 8-hour day session. No prior experience is necessary to attend a course and it can be attended by anyone over 16 years old.

Positive Energy Work 

I have trained as a Reiki Master and bring positive energy into all my teaching and therapies.
Reiki Healing in person and remotely is available, please contact me for details.

Infant Massage Courses

Learning massage, a way of giving nurturing and positive touch to your young child, is a rewarding and bonding experience, and can be especially empowering for fathers.  It can literally be done anywhere, by anyone and no equipment is necessary.

The benefits include

  • increased circulation and lymphatic function
  • improves relaxation and  sleep
  • helps with colic, indigestion and constipation,
  • improves joint mobility and skin condition

Group courses can be a lovely way to meet new people and make friends, and this massage can be adapted for premature babies and those with additional needs. One-to-one lessons are also offered.

Holistic Therapies

EMMETT Technique

The EMMETT Technique is based on the belief that light touch can trigger a relaxation response in the soft tissue of the body and may help relieve tensions resulting in feelings of improved comfort within the body.

What drew me to EMMETT Technique was the ethos that where possible and appropriate we show clients how to help themselves with their pain relief and muscle release, rather than having them return frequently for further treatments. I would aim for an initial treatment, a follow up treatment about a week later and then maintenance treatments if needed, often several months apart.

Once qualified as a full EMMETT practitioner, I immediately trained to teach the one day EMM-Tech course to be able to pass on even more knowledge to those keen to learn.

The treatment I specialise in is the Lymphatic Drainage Sequence. This treatment assists with:

  • Fluid retention/oedema
  • Congestion
  • Sluggish lymphatic system
  • Compromised immune system
  • Sinus conditions
  • Post viral/bacterial infection
  • Lack of energy
  • Lethargy
  • Cancer support
  • General body relaxation
  • Sluggish and irregular bowels, constipation and IBS
Read more about EMMETT

EMM-Tech Short Course

This is a short introductory course created by Ross Emmett so that everyone would have the opportunity to use some of his work to help themselves, friends and family. It is primarily designed for non-professionals, however, it is also an ideal low cost introduction for trained therapists to see what EMMETT is all about. The course contains 11 moves which have been specially selected from the EMMETT Technique Practitioner Course. I offer the course as a one 8-hour day session. No prior experience is necessary to attend a course and it can be attended by anyone over 16 years old.

Positive Energy Work 

I have trained as a Reiki Master and bring positive energy into all my teaching and therapies.
Reiki Healing in person and remotely is available, please contact me for details.

Infant Massage Courses

Learning massage, a way of giving nurturing and positive touch to your young child, is a rewarding and bonding experience, and can be especially empowering for fathers.  It can literally be done anywhere, by anyone and no equipment is necessary.

The benefits include

  • increased circulation and lymphatic function
  • improves relaxation and  sleep
  • helps with colic, indigestion and constipation,
  • improves joint mobility and skin condition

Group courses can be a lovely way to meet new people and make friends, and this massage can be adapted for premature babies and those with additional needs. One-to-one lessons are also offered.

BOOK A complimentary 15 minute consultation CALL WITH ME
BOOK A complimentary 15 minute consultation CALL WITH ME
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